Second Term Marks : 90
Units Marks
I. Chemical Substances -Nature and Behaviour 23
II. World of living 30
III. Natural Phenomena 29
IV Natural Resources 08
 Total 90
Theme : Materials (25 Periods)
Unit : Chemical Substances - Nature and Behaviour
Carbon compounds : Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series
Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes
and alkynes), difference between saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Chemical properties of
carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only
properties and uses), soaps and detergents.
Periodic classification of elements : Need for classification, Modern Periodic table, gradation in Properties,
valency, Atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties.
II. World of living 30
The question paper will include value based question(s) to the extent of 3-5 marks.
                                                                      Science (086),
                                                         Summative Assessment-II
 Class X - (2012-13)
Annexure - ‘ F ’
Theme : The world of The Living (30 Periods)
Unit : World of living
Reproduction : Reproduction in animal and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health-need for and methods
of family planning. safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Child bearing and women's health.
Heridity and evolution : Heredity; Mendel's contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief
introduction; Basic concepts of evolution.
Theme : Natural Phenomena (23 Periods)
Unit : Reflection of light at curved surfaces, Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis,
principal focus, focal length. Mirror Formula (Derivation not required), Magnification.
Refraction; laws of refraction, refractive index.
Refraction of light by spherical lens, Image formed by spherical lenses, Lens formula (Derivation not required),
Magnification. Power of a lens; Functioning of a lens in human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications
of spherical mirrors and lenses.
Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life.
Theme : Natural Resources (12 Periods)
Unit : Conservation of natural resources
Management of natural resources. Conservation and judicious use of natural resources. Forest and wild life, coal
and petroleum conservation. Examples of People's participation for conservation of natural resources.
The Regional environment : Big dams : advantages and limitations; alternatives if any. Water harvesting. Sustainability
of natural resources.
Our environment : Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions.
Biodegradable and non-biodegradable, substances.
Practical should be conducted alongside the concepts taught in theory classes
1. To study the following properties of acetic acid (ethanoic acid) :
i) odour
ii) solubility in water
iii) effect on litmus
iv) reaction with sodium bicarbonate
A2. To study saponification reaction for preparation of soap.
3. To study the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water.
4. To determine the focal length of
i. Concave mirror
ii. Convex lens
by obtaining the image of a distant object.
5. To trace the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence.
Measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence and interpret the result.
6. To study (a) binary fission in Amoeba and (b) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides.
7. To trace the path of the rays of light through a glass prism.
8. To draw the images of an object formed by a convex lens when placed at various positions.
9. To study homology and analogy with the help of preserved / available specimens of either animals or plants.
10. To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed ( Pea, gram or red kidney bean).
Science - Textbook for class IX - NCERT Publication
Science - Textbook for class X - NCERT Publication
Assessment of Practical Skills in Science - Class IX - CBSE Publication
Assessment of Practical Skills in Science - Class X - CBSE Publication
Laboratory Manual Science - Class IX , NCERT Publication
Laboratory Manual Science - Class X, NCERT Publication
Design of Question Paper
Science (086),
Summative Assessment-II
Class X – (2012-13)
Name of the unit Chapter name Weightage
1. Chemical substances
Nature and Behaviour
i) Carbon Compounds
ii) Periodic classification of
2. World of Living i) How do organisms reproduce
ii) Heredity and evolution
3. Nature Phenomena i) Light - reflection and refraction
ii) Human eye and the colourful
4. Natural resources i) Our environment
ii) Management of Natural
The question paper will include value based question(s) to
the extent of 3-5 marks.
Types of
Marks per
Total no of
Total marks
MCQ 1 18 18
VSA 1 3 3
SA (I) 2 4 8
SA (II) 3 12 36
LA 5 5 25
Total 42 90110
Sample Questions
Science (086),
Summative Assessment-II
Class X – (2012-13)
Que. 1 Acetic acid was added to four test tubes containing the following
a. Sodium carbonate
b. Blue litmus solution
c. Lime water
d. Distilled water
Which amongst these is/ are correct option(s) for carrying out a
characteristic test for identification of a carboxylic acid (acetic acid) in
the laboratory?
1. (a) only
2. (c) only
3. (a) and (b)
4. (c) and (d)
Que. 2 On adding concentrated NaOH solution to a test tube containing
phenolphthalein, the colour change observed by a student would be:
a. Pink to colourless
b. Pink to blue
c. Colourless to pink
d. Red to blue
Que. 3 A student observed a focussed slide of a stage of binary fission in Amoeba
under a microscope as seen below:111
Which of the following is most appropriate statement with respect to the
observationa) preliminary stage
b) intermediate stage where the nucleus is divided and
cytoplasm is not
c) intermediate stage where the cytoplasm is divided and
nucleus is not
d) final stage
Que. 4 A student while observing the properties of acetic acid would report that
this acid smells like
(i) vinegar and turns red litmus blue
(ii) rotten egg and turns red litmus blue
(iii) vinegar and turns blue litmus red
(iv) rotten egg and turns blue litmus red
Que. 5 Give one example of a unisexual flower.
Que. 6 Draw the electron dot structure of the gas molecule which is liberated
when zinc metal is treated with aqueous NaOH solution.
Que. 7 Find the period and group of the element whose atomic number is 12.
Que. 8 Refractive index of two material medium X and Y are 1.3 and 1.5
respectively. In which of the two, the light would travel faster?
Que. 9 Write in one word or at the most in one sentence about the following
(i) Mirrors used by dentists to examine teeth
(ii) The smallest distance, at which the eye can see objects
clearly without strain.112
Que. 10 List two differences between acquired and inherited traits.
Que. 11 State how would you distinguish between Acetic acid and Ethanol in your
laboratory. Give chemical equation of the reactions shown by them.
Write the chemical equations involved.
Que. 12 Complete the reaction(s) given below and classify them as Combustion /
Oxidation / Addition / Substitution reaction.
(i) CH3 CH2 CH2 OH alk.KMn04 →
(ii) C2 H4 + H2 Ni catalyst
Que. 13 Explain why?
(i) ‘Danger’ signal are red in colour.
(ii) Convex mirrors are commonly used as rear – view mirrors.
Que. 14 Study the ray diagram given below and answer the following questions -
(i) State the type of lens used in the figure.
(ii) List two properties of the image formed.
(iii) In which position of the object will the magnification be -1?
Que. 15 What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye? How is it related
to the focal length of the eye lens?113
Que. 16 “Fossils are related to evolution”, justify this statement. Give the two
ways by which age of the fossils can be estimated?
Que. 17 ‘Variation is beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the
individual”, give three reasons to justify it.
Que. 18 Two elements with symbol X (atomic no. 11) and Y (atomic no. 13) are
placed in the III period of the modern periodic table -
(i) Which amongst the two has more metallic character?
(ii) Calculate the valency of each element.
(iii) Element ‘Y’ is smaller than ‘X’ in terms of atomic size. Is the
statement true, justify?
Que. 19 a) Identify the parts the 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the diagram given below.
b) List two changes that can be observed in the flower after fertilization.114
Que. 20 a) Complete the following reactions / chemical equations and name the
main product formed in each case-
(i) CH3COOH + C2H5OH acid
(ii) C2H5OH conc. H2SO4 (3)
Heat(443 K)
Also state the importance of conc. H2SO4 in this reaction.
b) List two reasons why carbon forms large number of compounds and are
poor conductors of electricity? (2)
Que. 21 A 2.0 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a
concave lens of focal length 10 cm. The distance of the object from the
mirror is 15 cm. Find the nature, position and size of the image formed.
Represent the situation with the help of a ray diagram.115
Que. 1 (3) 1
Que. 2 (c) 1
Que. 3 (b) 1
Que. 4 (i) 1
Que. 5 Watermelon / Papaya/ Cucurbita pepo 1
Que. 6 Hydrogen gas, H : H 1
Que. 7 3
rd period, 2nd group 1
Que. 8 in medium ‘X’ because of lower value of refractive index 1
Que. 9 (i) Concave Mirror 1
(ii) Near point 1
Que. 10 Acquired Inherited
 Are not passed on to next Can be passed on to next ½ , ½
Generation generation 2
 They cannot direct They bring about evolution of
Evolution species ½ , ½
Que. 11 Activity:
Take sodium carbonate in two test tubes.
Mark them as 1 and 2.
Pour some amount of acetic acid in test tube 1 and ethanol in 2.
Effervescence produced in test tube 1 confirms production of gas which
can not be found in test tube 2.
Conclude that the reaction is taking place in with acetic acid and not with
2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2 1116
C2H5OH + Na2CO3 No reaction 1
Que. 12 (i) CH3CH2COOH, Oxidation (ii)C2H6,Addition 2
Que. 13 (i) Does not scatter – red light intense 2
(ii) Wider view
Que. 14 (i) Convex lens 2
(ii) Real, inverted, enlarged (any two)
(iii) When object is at 2F
Que. 15 The ability of the eye to adjust its focal length. 1
Change in curvature of the eye lens can thus change its 1
Focal length, muscle relaxed, eye lens becomes thin or thick which helps
to see objects clearly.
Que. 16 Preserved traces of living organisms are called fossils 1
Two ways of determining age of fossils 3
Relative – fossils closer to the surface are more recent 1
Dating – finding the ratio of different isotopes 1
Que. 17 For existence of the individual, variation may not be of importance but
for the existence of a species it is, because - 3
It brings in the resistivity wherever required. (survival)
It is responsible for acclimatization in varied environmental conditions.
It also makes one species different from the other. (diversity)
Que. 18 i) Y
(ii) 2 each
(iii) false, same period – y lies in group 2 and x in group 16117
Que. 19 a) 1) Pollen grain 5
2) Pollen tube
3) Ovary
4) Female germ cell ½ x 4
b) Ovule changes into seed, ovary ripens and makes fruit, petals, sepals,
Stamens, style shrivel and fall off 3
Que. 20 (a) (i) CH3COOC2H5 (Ethyl Ethanoate) (1+1)
(ii) CH3COOH (Ethanoic acid), conc. H2SO4 absorbs water produced in
the reaction which may otherwise reverse the reaction (1)
(b) Catenation, covalent compounds (1+1)
Que. 21 (1/v) + (1/u) = (1/f) , u=-15cm, f=-10cm
(1/f) - (1/u) = (1/v)
1 1 1
---- - ----- = - --- = V = -30 cm
-10 -15 30118
Value Based Questions
Science (086),
Summative Assessment-II
Class X – (2012-13)
Ethanol, commonly called as alcohol is an excellent solvent, is used in medicines and
is an important chemical compound involved in synthesis of many chemical compounds.
However in spite of its benefits to man, its impact on social behaviour has always been
questioned. Media has often show abnormal behaviour of people while drunk. It is
considered as a curse in the lives of those who are addicted to alcohol – ‘Alcoholic’
people are not only lowering their metabolism and affecting Central Nervous System,
they are also a threat to the lives of others. Anger and rude behaviour are some of its
ill effects.
(i) Comment on the statement – ‘Should production of alcohol should be banned’,
give three valid reasons to justify.
(ii) As a student what initiative would you take in the common concern of ‘Save
Life, Do not Drink’. Give two suggestions.
In favour of negative response: (3)
(i) regulate production and supply
(ii) it is used in so many ways for medicines, ornamentation
(iii) it is used as disinfectant
In Favour of positive response:
(i) cause of death of many people
(ii) many adolescents get affected out of it and become addict
(iii) is being misused even where it is of important use (for example,
painting shops, industries)
Initiatives: (2)
Drive to make aware
Skit / Role plays / drama
Article writing
Chart preparation
Slogan writing119
‘Sania and Shreya’ are best friends and study in grade 4, recently, Sania has been
facing difficulty in reading the black-board text from the last desk. Shreya is little
uncomfortable and wonders why sania avoids sitting on the last desk. On observation
she found that sania often carries junk food in her lunch. Shreya has started sharing
her lunch – full of green vegetables and fruits with her. Sania is now better and has
also started taking a ‘balanced diet’.
(i) Name the eye defect Sania is suffering from?
(ii) What are the two possible deformities related to her eye defect?
(iii) What value is shown by Shreya and Sania?
(i) Myopia, short sightedness 1
(ii) Lens defect (increased thinness), eye ball defect (shortening) 2
(iii) Friendship, concern for each other, value and 2
balanced diet

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